Yep, that’s right, after like being away for one thousand years (well, not really that long), I’m coming back *cue start song: pink’s get this party started* I’m thinking of maybe a new website, a fresh start? I’m not sure yet. I’ve been gone for so long that I’m having to reteach myself HTML and all the basics, but luckily its all coming back to me (: well this is just my short blog saying that yes! I’m coming back

May 23, 2009 at 9:53 pm Leave a comment

what happened?

Life. It’s really that simple.  I joined a new sport for the spring, lacrosse.  Thus, my grades fell from not getting home until 8:00 PM at night.  I wouldn’t go to bed until 11ish to wake up at 5ish. 

Not that this post is supposed to be a venting blog.  Because it’s not.  I’m just explaining what happened.  I don’t need sympathy, because it’s not your fault I decided to join a sport and let my grades fall, get grounded, and lose my best friend all at once. 

All I’m trying to say is that I want to come back. Come back to regular updates, that is.  I miss all my affiliates and friends, so many have progressed while I’ve been gone.  I’ve just been through a lot lately; I’ve been drained a lot these past couple of months.

Thanks for understanding.  I’m not sure when I’m “coming back” but hopefully I will soon.  I hade made this pretty awesome layout a while back for when I went on a hosted site (ahem, like that ever happened) but I got this horrible virus on my computer and lost all my documents.  Which also sucked because I lost all my songs on my iPod-all 1,500 of them. Sucks, right?

May 17, 2008 at 7:16 pm 3 comments


Yes, finally I am hosted. Many thanks to Rachael, my new host, for hosting me. I already have the layout done, I just need to upload all the pages and such. I’ll let you guys know when its up. (:

February 18, 2008 at 10:45 pm 6 comments

Not Dead

Yes, I am alive.  No, I am not dead.  And no, the monsters did not come out in the middle of the night from underneath my bed and replace an alien clone with my body…or did they?

January 29, 2008 at 6:04 pm 3 comments

Excuses, excuses, excuses

I’m sorry for not blogging. I know this sounds like excuse after excuse (which it probably is, anyways), but guys, I’ve been seriously sick these past couple of weeks. My temperature has been around 99-104, which if any of you know is defiantly not healthy. So, I have to get bloodwork done today to see if I might have a disease.

Isabelle, I’m sorry my site is not up yet. I know I promised a week, and now it’s been quite a while. I’m sorry to everyone for not checking my e-mail and not responding.

I hope you all had a wonderful and well Christmas or any other holiday you celebrate. I got plenty of gifts, which I would blog about, but I seriously feel like I have another fever. (too much information? sorry.)

I hope to be back soon (hopefully) if all goes well with the needle today. Gah, I have such a fear of needles. I think I’m going to cry.

On another quite happy note, I ended up seeing Nick Jonas. live. in person. Even though I’m sick, I would have risked dying to see the Jonas Brothers (yes, I saw all of them, but really who cares about Joe or Kevin?! It is all about Nick, man.) that way I would have died happy.

Okay, so this is the end of my short blog. I just wanted to keep everyone updated on what was happening with me. I’m sorry for the excuse after excuse, but this one is pretty serious. Thanks for understanding. If anyone wishes to delete me, not link me, not host me, feel free to. An e-mail would be nice informing me,but I don’t expect one.

December 30, 2007 at 11:18 pm 4 comments

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Behind the computer

Behind this little corner of the universe, you'll find your typical music-obsessed girl who prides herself in finding new music. She does well academically,and enjoys learning different about cultures. To keep her love of food under control, lacrosse and field hockey are the sports she plays.
